Add or edit multiple SharePoint In/Out Board entries

Add or edit multiple SharePoint In/Out Board entries

This page includes directions for adding or editing multiple SharePoint In/Out Board entries.

01) go to the SharePoint In/Out Board:

02) click edit

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

03) click the box next to a row to select the entire row (you can click-and-drag to select/highlight multiple rows), copy the row(s) using keyboard commands (Windows – Ctrl+C) (macOS – command+C)

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

04) scroll down to the bottom of the page/list to find an empty row entry, click the far-left-box next to the empty row, paste the row(s) using keyboard commands (Windows – Ctrl+V) (macOS – command+V)

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

05) click the calendar icon to edit the date as necessary, click the drop-down button next to other entries to edit as necessary

A screenshot of a cell phone

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A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

06) when edits are complete, scroll to the top of the page/list, click Stop to save your edits

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated


Cyberduck is the iSchool IT recommended application for Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). It works on both Windows and macOS and can be downloaded from this website:

Typical reasons to use an SFTP application include connecting to UW Shared Webhosting servers to update website content or connecting to the UW U: Drive.

Once you install Cyberduck, bookmarks can be set up by using the following settings:

Homer/Ovid web hosting server (for employees (Faculty and Staff) and Shared NetIDs)
Port: 22
Protocol: SFTP/SSH
Username: UW NetID
Password: UW NetID Password
Directory: Leave blank; if required, try public_html

Dante/Vergil web hosting server (for students and RSOs)
Port: 22
Protocol: SFTP/SSH
Username: UW NetID
Password: UW NetID Password
Directory: Leave blank; if required, try public_html

UW U: Drive
Port: 22
Protocol: SFTP/SSH
Username: UW NetID
Password: UW NetID Password
Directory: udrive

Husky OnNet VPN Service

The Husky OnNet VPN application is installed on all iSchool issued computers. Search your computer for the application named “BIG-IP Edge Client.” For more detailed instructions, refer to “Run” sections on this page:

Read on for more information about the Husky OnNet VPN.

Husky OnNet, offered by UW-IT, is a client-based, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) VPN (Virtual Private Network) service. Husky OnNet provides individuals using Mac OS and Windows devices with a secure, temporary connection to the UW network from off-campus locations. Users connecting their device to an off-campus network (e.g., from home, a conference, a café, at the airport, etc.) can use Husky OnNet to connect to the UW network to access resources as if they were physically on campus.

If you are off campus:

you need to be connected to Husky OnNet to:
– access the N drive via File Explorer or Finder
– use the Avaya telephone software
– connect to certain class and research related servers
access library databases and journals

you do not need to be connected to Husky OnNet to:
– connect to your iSchool Windows computer using the iSchool Remote Desktop Gateway
– access your UW email
– access the iSchool SharePoint Intranet
– access the Internet

To use Husky OnNet, you need to have the application installed on your computer. There is an application for both Mac OS and Windows.

If you have an iSchool issued computer, you already have the Husky OnNet application installed.

If you do not have the application installed, click the link below to download the application installer:

Download the Husky OnNet application

UW-IT maintains a web page with information about installing and running the Husky OnNet VPN application:

More Husky OnNet resources from UW-IT:

Husky OnNet frequently asked questions

How to use TeamViewer for remote IT support

How to use TeamViewer for remote IT support

TeamViewer is a program that makes it possible for the iSchool IT Help Desk to see and control your computer, wherever it may be, allowing for easier remote support. To use TeamViewer:


Use TeamViewer on macOS

1. Start Finder, click Applications, double-click TeamViewer

1a. If TeamViewer is not in the Applications folder you can download it from:

2. Once started, the TeamViewer application generates two numbers. The iSchool IT Help Desk will need these numbers to remotely connect to your computer.

Use TeamViewer on Windows

1. Click the lower-left Windows icon (A), start typing TeamViewer (B), click the search result named TeamViewerQS.

Start TeamViewer on an iSchool Windows Computer

1a. If TeamViewer QS.exe (could also be named TeamViewer QuickSupport.exe) is not already on your computer, you can download it from:

2. Once started, the TeamViewer application generates two numbers. The iSchool IT Help Desk will need these numbers to remotely connect to your computer.

How to connect to your computer via Remote Desktop using the iSchool Remote Desktop Gateway

How to connect to your computer via Remote Desktop using the iSchool Remote Desktop Gateway

If your iSchool issued work computer is running Windows, it is possible to connect to it and use it remotely, from a separate computer.

If your iSchool issued work computer is a Mac and you are looking to connect to it and use it remotely, see this page.

In order to remote into your iSchool Windows work computer:

a) You need to know your computer’s name.
b) The computer must allow remote connections.
c) The computer must be powered on and not in sleep mode.
d) The computer must be connected to the UW campus network.

After confirming a through d above, follow these instructions to access your Windows work computer from a separate computer.

How to find your iSchool computer name

Windows 10

Windows 10

1) right-click the lower-left Windows icon, click System

your computer’s name is next to “Device name” or “Computer name:” (depending on Windows 10 version) and usually something like “is-YourNetIDx220” or “is-YourNetID450” or “is-YourNetID360” or “is-YourNetIDx1c”

Confirm your iSchool work computer will allow remote connections

Windows 10

Windows 10

1) right-click the lower-left Windows icon, click System, click Remote Desktop, click Select users that can remotely access this PC

2) confirm the following settings:

Enable Remote Desktop should be On
Keep my PC awake for connections when it is plugged in should be checked
in the Remote Desktop Users window, you should see NETID\Your NetID already has access.

Connect to your work computer from a separate computer (follow these steps from your home computer)

connecting from a Windows 10 computer
connecting from a Mac OS X computer

Windows 10

1) start the application Remote Desktop Connection (already installed on any Windows 10 computer)


2) click Show Options, click Advanced, click Settings…


3) for Connection settings:

check Use these RD Gateway server settings
Server name:
Logon method: Allow me to select later
check Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses

for Logon settings:

check Use my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computer

click OK


4) click General

for Computer: use your computer name (usually something like is-yourNetidx220, see this if you need to find your computer name)
for User name: use netid\yourNetID

click Connect, enter your NetID password when prompted


Mac OS X

1) download and install the free Microsoft Remote Desktop application from the Apple Store, you will need an Apple ID to download the application

microsoft remote desktop

2) start the Microsoft Remote Desktop application, (settings about improving performance or giving access to your microphone or webcam are up to you; select the settings you prefer), click the gear-looking-icon, click Preferences…, click Gateways

click the + button in the bottom-left, use the following settings:

Gateway name:
Friendly name: iSchool RDP Gateway

click the drop-down next to User account:, click Add User Account…

use the following settings:

User name: netid\YourNetID
Password: YourNetIDPassword

click Add, click Add

close the Preferences window

3) in the Microsoft Remote Desktop window click Add PC, use the following settings:

PC name: usually something like: is-YourNetIDlc6 or is-YourNetIDly3 or is-YourNetIDl480

User account: select the user account you created in the previous step (netid\YourNetID)

Gateway: select the iSchool RDP Gateway (or whatever name you created in Step 2)

(Other settings are fine to leave as is.  They can be modified later.)

click Add

4) double-click the connection you made in Step 3, if a certificate-verification window appears it is fine to click Continue

Connecting to (Mapping or Mounting) the iSchool N Drive

Connecting to (Mapping or Mounting) the iSchool N Drive

The iSchool provides a shared collection of network storage folders commonly referred to as the N Drive (“N” for network). The following directions are for accessing the folders on the N Drive. The directions presuppose you have the correct permissions to access the N Drive folders. If you are unsure of your permissions to access the N Drive, or specific folders within the N Drive, please contact the iSchool IT Help Desk.

If you need to map or connect to the N Drive on your computer, use the following server addresses:

Windows: \\\ischool
macOS: smb://

Fully detailed instructions are below.

The N Drive is only accessible from the UW network. If the computer you are using is physically off campus, you must first connect to the Husky OnNet before you will be able to access the N Drive.

Access the N Drive using an iSchool issued computer

Access the N Drive using a personal computer

Access the N Drive using an iSchool issued computer
Windows 10

Windows 10

If you are off campus, connect to the Husky OnNet VPN

1) click the Windows File Explorer button in the lower-left corner of the screen, click N Drive below This PC

Windows 8 N: Drive Location


Follow the “personal computer” directions for macOS

Access the N Drive using a personal computer
Windows 10

Windows 10

If you are off campus, download, install, then connect to the Husky OnNet VPN

1) right-click the lower-left Windows icon, click File Explorer, click This PC, click Computer, click Map network drive

2) in the Map Network Drive window, for Drive: use N, for Folder: use \\\ischool, check Connect using different credentials, click Finish, for User name use the format netid\yourNetID, for Password use your NetID password, click OK

3) the N Drive and its folders will appear below This PC


If you are off campus, connect to the Husky OnNet VPN

1) open Finder, click Preferences…, click Sidebar, check the box next to your computer name, close the Finder Preferences window

Finder Preferences

2) in Finder, click Go, click Connect to Server… (⌘ + K on your keyboard)

Finder -> Go -> Connect to Server...

3) for Server Address: use smb://, click the plus (+) button, click Connect, select Connect as: Registered User, for Name:, use netid\yourNetID, for Password: use your NetID password

4) Finder will open a folder titled ischool with all of the N Drive folders, you can also find the N Drive folders in Finder by clicking your computer name -> ischool